University of Kwazulu-Natal Ranking
UKZN is ranked within the top 2.4 – 3% of the World’s Universities by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the QS World University Rankings, and The Times Higher Education Ranking.
Academic Ranking of World Universities ranked UKZN 3rd in Africa and 3rd in South Africa.
UKZN is ranked 45th from a total of 700 universities according to the Times Higher Education’s first ranking of BRICS and emerging Economies universities.
Rankings of universities in South Africa are largely based on international university rankings, since there are no South African rankings as of yet.
These international university rankings indicate that South Africa’s university system is the strongest on the continent: it is home to five of the six highest ranked African universities, including the two campuses consistently ranked as academically strongest in Africa, University of Cape Town and University of the Witwatersrand, which are situated in South Africa’s two most prominent cities (Cape Town and Johannesburg, respectively).
Highly cited international university rankings
In part because of the inherent difficulty of ranking complex educational institutions, there are an expanding number of competing international university ranking schemes, each with a different emphasis. Four of the most prominent are the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (most widely accepted), The Centre for World University rankings (CWUR),QS World University Rankings, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU, sometimes referred to as the “Shanghai Rankings”).