University of Kwazulu-Natal Fees 2025-2026
University of Kwazulu-Natal Fees 2025-2026 is available for download. University of Kwazulu-Natal undergraduate prospectus is available in pdf format for all prospective students.
Download University of Kwazulu-Natal Fees 2025-2026 here
Undergraduate degree Cost Estimate per annum
Tuition (Avg) | R26 000 |
Residence Fees | R17 600 |
Meals | R16 200 |
Books | R7 400 |
Total | R67 200 |
Make provision for extras e.g. Equipment for labs or music, sports charges, travel etc
The above figures show very approximate costs for one year of an average degree course. Some full-time degrees such as the MBChB and Engineering are much more expensive. Fees rise each year by at least the inflation indicator provided by Government.
Please Note: Most students will also need money for travel and personal expenses.
Student Funding Advisors will advise students on possible strategies for meeting Tertiary Educational Costs of studying
1.Register for fewer courses.
Your workload will be less so you may have time available for part-time work . If you find a full course too demanding a reduced load will allow you to spend a greater proportion of your time on each course. Discuss a reduced load with the Dean of your School to make sure you choose your courses wisely. Ask your College academic officer to give you a letter to take to Student Fees telling them what you will be registering for, and your first semester registration deposit may then be reduced.
This way of saving on costs is only effective if you do not have to pay a lot for accommodation as it will take more years to complete the degree.
2.You do not have to register for the whole year in one go
– you can just register for the first semester. A normal registration deposit for the first semester is around R3250 followed by monthly deposits of R500 until the end of May
3.Save on accommodation.
If possible live with relatives who do not charge rent. Your living and travel costs will then only have to be met on a day-to-day basis, so the amount of money needed at the beginning of the year is less.
A private landlord is likely to require two months’ rent up front which means you have to find more than if you are paying for only food and travel.
4.Save on books.
Books are extremely expensive but you can often buy second hand ones from the campus bookshop at Howard College, Business Concourse (ph/fax 031-260 1450), or watch the notice boards for adverts. Sell your own books at the end of each year if you no longer need them for reference. You can also borrow books from the libraries (including the Municipal and Provincial libraries).
Reference the online Library resources directly from here.